About Us

Charles Parker

The Best Bat Removal Service Company

I love what I do and have been doing it for years! From the beginning, I have always loved learning about wildlife control & bat removal. Now, I not only perform bat removal but I also teach it! If you would like a short presentation on bats in our area please let me know. I have about a one hour long powerpoint complete with stories of local bat jobs and our local bat populations

Our Mission

To be the best bat removal company in Louisiana

Meet the Team

Certifications & Accolades

2010 Kirk LaPierre Memorial Volunteer of the Year presented to me at the very first Wildlife EXPO in New Orleans. Something I am very proud to have accomplished during my time with NWCOA

Years of Experience
0 +
Average Job
0 +
Bats Excluded Annually
0 +
The Best Bat removal company

Work With Us

I look forward to helping you!

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